
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
GMH Podcast PAX & Anime Boston Recap
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
This episode we wanted to recap our travels to exhibiting at PAX East and hosting the quiet room at Anime Boston. Both were amazing and we really can't take everyone enough who came by our booth on the show floor and who visited the quiet room at Anime Boston. We are looking forward to GCX in August! We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Nelstar, The Internet’s Dad
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Our hosts this week Joe, Doc & Matt!
Dive into catching up with our friend Nelstar! They have been busy at work with being awesome and is joining us to help shine the spotlight on the difficulties and triumphs of being a community manager in the gaming space. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Give Nelstar a follow @ https://twitter.com/Nelstar15
apologizes for the odd recording this time around ( Joe was so excited he forget to press record on the record software) we were able to pull the episode from the live stream so you may hear a few odd alerts or typing. blame Joe on twitter, but next time it will be on point again!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Nomnivore Games
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Our hosts this week Joe & Matt!
Dive into catching up with our friends at Nomnivore Games, Derek Chung and Bunny(Sarah)! They have been busy at work with releasing two new TableTop games, Snack Attack and Dungeon and Dinos. It was great getting a chance to catch up with our friends and are excited for everything they secretly have planned for the future. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Check them out @ https://www.nomnivoregames.com/
Links to the Snack Attack and Dungeon and Dinos videos are available directly on the Nomnivore Games website
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Back to Basics
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Saturday Jan 14, 2023
Our hosts this week are Joe, Matt, and Doc!
This week we kicked off 2023 with getting back to basics. It was a blast getting a chance to sit down together again after an amazing year at GMH. We touched on our accomplishments this past year and talked on self-care. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Mental Health Avengers Episode 4!
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Our hosts this week Jean-Luc is solo with a special episode!
In collaboration with other Mental Health focused podcasts across the community called the Mental Health Avengers hosts special episodes throughout the year to talk about a topic and discuss it among professionals. This episodes topic is Dr.Tiktok and we hope you enjoy it!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Memorial Day Round Table talk
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Our hosts this week are Joe, Jean-Luc and Matt with special episode!
In honor of Memorial Day we hosted a special Round Table discussion with so many amazing individuals from across the gaming community who are veterans and some who are active duty to discuss Memorial Day and what it means to us. We could not have asked for a better discussion and group of people for this. We were joined by LazyPanda, Alivanessa, TattedGumby, Squaddy, ShieldMaden, Tanukiisan and special guest Steven the Executive Director of StackUp.org. We hope you find these stories of remembrance, topic discussions as impactful as we did. Thanks for listening!
Live stream video can be found on Youtube if you would like to watch at
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Our hosts this week are Joe, Jean-Luc with special guest Irrezolut!
This week we got the chance to sit down with Painter. Designer. And Design Lead for Guardians MH, Joe Nicolia aka Irrezolut. We had an absolute blast chatting with Irez, with getting to know more about him and also the many topics we chatted about on this one. Our mental health topic this episode we chatted about good gaming habits, and what are somethings we all can do to make sure you are taking care of yourself while you play your favorite games! We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Irrezolut on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
If you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: Donate
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Our hosts this week are Joe, Jean-Luc & Matt with special guest GamerGirlGrey!
This week we got the chance to sit down with partnered Twitch streamer, GamerGirlGrey. We had an absolute blast chatting with Grey, with getting to know more about them and how they got into streaming/gaming. Our mental health topic this episode we chatted about Resilience, and what are somethings we all can do to build more of it with interacting in online gaming/streaming. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Grey on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://guardiansmh.org/mental-health-kit-program
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Doc is back!
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe & Matt with a warm welcome with Dr.Williams return!
This week Joe and Matt got the chance to sit down with Dr. Williams about his journey with the EPPP and becoming a licensed Psychologist . We had an absolute blast chatting with Doc and welcoming him back to the podcast which was just awesome. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Guardians MH on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Special Guest Camilla Panda
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate & Matt with special guest Anjali Bhimani!
This week Joe and Matt got the chance to sit down with variety Twitch streamer, event hosting/shoutcasting for FIRST events, and Queer Woman of Esports . We had an absolute blast chatting with Camilla, recapping PAX West and talking about various things like robotics which was just awesome. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Camilla on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Special Guest Anjali Bhimani
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate & Matt with special guest Anjali Bhimani!
This week Joe, Nate and Matt got the chance to sit down with American stage, film, television and voice actress, who has appeared on various television shows and video games like Over Watch and on Critical Role. We had an absolute blast chatting with Anjali, and on our topic of Finding your Power. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Anjali on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Special guest Bailey Blair LMSW
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe & Matt with special guest Bailey Blair!
This week Joe and Matt got the chance to sit down with Licensed Master Social Worker, Bailey Blair ! We had an absolute blast chatting with Bailey, and on our topic of Burnout. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Bailey on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Special Guest James Inks of TWLOHA
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe & Matt with special guest James Inks!
This week Joe and Matt got the chance to sit down with Influencer Relations of To Write Love On Her Arm, James Inks! We had an absolute blast chatting with James about TWLOHA, a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. This was a special episode we recorded during our Summer 2021 Benefit stream to raise awareness for Suicide Prevention and our new Suicide Prevention Mental Health Kits in collab with TWLOHA. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Hope For The Day on Twitter!
Also go check out James on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep our Mental Health Kit program going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Special Guest Becca Milligan of Hope For The Day & Sip of Hope
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate, Alan and Matt with special guest Becca Milligan!
This week we got the chance to sit down with the event manager of Hope For The Day & Sip of Hope Coffee shop, Becca Milligan! We had an absolute blast chatting with Becca about HFTD, a non-profit movement empowering the conversation on proactive suicide prevention and mental health education. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Hope For The Day on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Special Guest Uhmaazyye
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate, Alan and Matt with special guest Uhmaazyye!
This week we got the chance to sit down with Twitch Partner and the hype man himself, Uhmaazyye! We had an absolute blast chatting with Uhmaazyye about how he got into streaming and how he brings so much positivity into the gaming community everyday. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Uhmaazyye on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Friday Jun 18, 2021
GCX Panel on Parasocial Relationships and Mental Health Special
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
We are excited to have a special episode for you to listen to! We hosted a panel at GCX with Dr. Anthony Bean, Matthew Leardi LCSW, Dr. Emory S. Daniel Jr., Dr. Stephanie Orme and Dr. Arienne Ferchaud discussing the topic of Parasocial Relationships and Mental Health. This was an amazing time and really enjoyed everyone and the atmosphere, Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!
Go check us out on twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Guardians MH Podcast Convention Anxiety
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate, Alan and Matt with GMH staff Amanda and S'ret!
With convention season hitting with live events returning the crew and other GMH staff had a fun chat about Convention Anxiety and some great ways to navigate busy conventions where you may feel a bit overwhelmed. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check us out on twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Guardians MH Podcast with Emberwind Creative Director Derek Chung
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate, Alan and Matt with special guest Derek Chung!
This week we got the chance to sit down with the Founder and Creative Director of the Fantasy tabletop game Emberwind, Derek Chung. We had a great time chatting with Derek with an indepth look at Emberwind and just had an amazing conversation with him. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Emberwind!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate, Alan and Matt with special guest Aaron Wanserski!
This week we got the chance to sit down with Video Gaming Outreach Director of the Center for Suicide Awareness, Aaron Wanserski. We had a great time chatting with Aaron about his role at the Center and Hopeline and also our discuss on Suicide Awareness. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from HOPELINE on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Guardians MH Podcast with special guest Dr.Mick
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Our hosts this week are Joe, Nate and Matt with special guest Dr. Mick!
This week we got the chance to sit down with Licensed Therapist/PhD and Twitch Partner Dr.Mick. We had an absolute blast chatting with Dr.Mick about how he got into streaming, also our topic on ethics in streaming. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did, Thanks for listening!
Go check more from Dr.Mick on Twitter!
Guardians Mental Health
Check out our 501c(3) non-profits website at https://www.GuardiansMH.org
We also have a Patreon if you want to help us keep the lights on and help us with costs to keep the RTS Bot and other programs going. Always appreciated and never expected: https://www.patreon.com/GMHmentalhealthkits
If you would like to support our Mental health kits program which are kits that are curated to support a gamer before, during and after gaming sessions with resources and sensory items and shipped to them at no cost to the individual or would like to request one please visit: https://linktr.ee/GMHkits
Leave us a review! Help the Podcast grow so we can continue to bring you our fusion of mental health topics and gaming.